Saturday, November 14, 2015

Panda our newest Executive Pet

Meet Panda, or Poe, as he was nicknamed.  He is 9 weeks old and a rescue pup.  His mother was abandoned when she was pregnant and gave birth to 3 beautiful babies.  They think he is a Jack Russell Chihuahua cross.  We thought he would be an ideal addition to our Executive Pet gang. What do you think?

Friday, September 11, 2015

Cool facts about cats and dogs.

Cats are capable of producing around 100 different vocalizations, dogs about 10.

A dog's sense of smell is one hundred thousand times more sensitive than ours.

Hunting is not an natural instinct in cats, they must be taught.

Dog's only sweat glands are between the pads of their paws.

Friday, September 4, 2015

How to remove skunk smell from your dog.

If  your dog happens to come across a skunk and decides to investigate, more than likely it will be sprayed.  Once you have smelt a skunk, you will always know the smell.  This smell lingers forever! It used to be thought that pouring tomato juice on your pet will rid them of the smell.  Not true.  It just makes a big smelly mess!

Here is how to rid your dog of a skunk smell.  Mix together a 32 ounce bottle of hydrogen peroxide with 1/4 cup of baking soda and 2 tsp. of liquid dish soap.  Wet your pet down and apply the mixture. Be careful not to get solution in your pets eyes.  Try to rub in and let sit for as long as possible, 5 to 10 minutes.  (We know this is not likely :)  Rinse. Hopefully you won't have to repeat.

This is always an adventure.  Good luck!

Friday, August 21, 2015

Puppy Safety

This is time of year when many puppies are finding a new home away from their mothers.  Puppies are like Toddlers with teeth, always on the go, exploring their new world.  Just like children you need to be aware of the dangers that exist around your home for your new puppy.  We came across this article from with many great tips and links to give you all the information you need to ensure your puppys safety: called Puppy Proofing Your Home.

Friday, August 7, 2015

Most popular dog names.

Here is a quick list of the top 3 male and female dog names for 2014.

Top male dog names:

1)  Bailey
2)  Max
3)  Charlie

Top female dog names:

1)  Bella
2)  Lucy
3)  Molly

Friday, July 24, 2015

Cat Controversy

Have you ever heard of the Ashera breed of cats? They are said to be a mix of a domestic house cat and an Asian leopard cat. Recently one was sold for a asking price of $125,000. Beautiful cat, but is it really a mix of a domestic cat and an Asian leopard cat?  

The controversial cat is said to have different DNA and that it is just a Savannah hybrid bought from a different breeder and resold. A Savannah hybrid is a mix of a domestic house cat and a African cat. Still exotic but more a more common hybrid.   I think we will stick with the common domestic house cat.  :)